In the News
Loyal, loving and trustworthy, horses are animals that humans have always bonded with almost effortlessly. We at AFEC are committed to sharing that gift with all. Check out some of our work and community involvement.
January 2021- The Armed Forces Equestrian Center Inc., was given notice in the January Issue of Sidelines Magazine as the feature charity. This organization has added tremendous visibility to the programs inception and visibility. We are proud and humbled by the highlight and amazing story that Sidelines has shared with their readers and the equine community.
Check out the Story here:
June 2020 - The Mon Valley Independent visited the AFEC facility and spent the day with us learning and exploring what we do. We where blessed to have Sarah Callahan a WW2 Military spouse with us on that day. We are thankful for their efforts and ability to showcase our program and the work that we do.
PNC Mutt Strutt
The 2020 Community Mutt Strut is sponsored by PNC to support our military veterans. The event will be held virtually this year, September 8 through 12, and the proceeds will continue to support Guardian Angels so our veterans can receive these life-saving dogs at no expense.
Pets with Vets
As a service for veterans, Duquesne offers its Veterans Book Club where student veterans and the campus community can gather to discuss books related to military and veteran life. This week they hosted therapy horses from the Armed Forces Equestrian Center and discussed the book "Vets and Pets." Thanks to the